
Synchronize Bluetooth phone with Thunderbird

Develpers' detailed documentation for the mozilla-sync plugin for OpenSync. A part of blueZync.

Todo List

Member MozillaCalendar::Close (char **pSzError, void(*pLogFunction)(int level, bool sensitive, const char *szFile, int iLine, const char *szFunc, const char *szFormat,...))
clean up after mozilla calendar use

Member ThunderbirdCard::ResetFromXML (const gchar *szXML, char **pSzError, void(*pLogFunction)(int level, bool sensitive, const char *szFile, int iLine, const char *szFunc, const char *szFormat,...))
Clean all fields before updating from XML

GetXXXXTime may fail if the timezone is invalid But OpenSync seems to strip off the vtimezone part of vcalendar, so leave resolution of this for later...

Member EventICS
szCalId is not really needed, as szKey is unique over calendars

File mozilla-calendar.cpp
free memory!

Member get_version
: Should we get this from a config.h ???

Member mozilla_sync_report_calendar_changes_to_hash
mozilla_sync_report_calendar_changes_to_hash and mozilla_sync_report_addressbook_changes_to_hash are quite similar. Could we merge them?

File mozilla-xpcom.cpp
Check which ADDREF's are missing

File thunderbird-addressbook.cpp
check which ADDREF's are missing

File thunderbird-addressbook.cpp
free memory used by strings and other...

File thunderbird-card.cpp
check which ADDREF's are missing

File thunderbird-card.cpp
free memory used by strings and other...

Member GHFuncAddCap
Some fields still do not match up to file-sync

Member GHFuncAddCap
Add missing Thunderbird fields: WebPage1 (work web page) aimScreenName ---------- anniversaryDay anniversaryMonth anniversaryYear birthDay birthMonth birthYear cardType category cellularNumberType defaultAddress defaultEmail faxNumberType homePhoneType pagerNumberType phoneticFirstName phoneticLastName popularityIndex spouseName workPhoneType readonly PRBool isAnEmailAddress readonly PRBool isANormalCard readonly PRBool isASpecialGroup PRBool isMailList PRUint32 lastModifiedDate char* mailListURI

Member GHFuncAddCap
Should we use UI-Slot on e.g. email ???