blueZync overview
blueZync overview

mozilla-sync plugin for OpenSync
A few important things to note:
- currently, the plugin is dynamically liked with the Gecko Runtime Environment GRE) you must have the GRE (were
lives) known toldconfig
- for now, only Thunderbird address books are supported. Lightning and Sunbird are still being worked on.
- not all fields of the thunderbird address book are supported yet
- there are still some improvements to be done on matching xmlformat-card to the Thunderbird fields
- still not able to link to GRE using XPCOM GLUE...
- debug printout needs to be cleaned up
- memory management sucks - needs to be cleaned up
- and probably many other bugs and catastrophes
Please try Building blueZync, and report your findings, comments, questions, suggestions, etc. on the blueZync Developers Forum
blueZync is still in it's very early days, and contains lots of bugs.
Please back up all your data before using blueZync
Please back up all your data before using blueZync